Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rejection Burns, Rejection Ignites

There is no sugar coating; rejection of any kind hurts.
Rejected by a lover.  Rejected by a friend or family member.  Rejected by a potential employer.  Rejected by anyone or any situation that seems to have power over or superiority over you.
A hard feeling to absorb, digest, let go of, work through.

Yesterday morning, after my week's worth of campaigning for work in a new locale, I received first a letter from a musician saying, "You're not what we're looking for."  (Of course my vivid imagination goes all different kinds of directions with that one.)  And another email from a potential publishing firm letting me know that "you don't have enough experience" (thus the creation of this blog site, please tell your friends so my numbers of followers will be recognized by The Powers That Be *shameless plug*).  Two incidents that sum up the results of searching, trying, knocking on doors...

After I allowed the sting, allowed the feeling of "ouch, that burns", I realized a fire had been lit inside me.  Fear was replaced by determination.  Anger was replaced by fuel that spurred me on.  And I applied to an ad wanting extras for the NBC up and coming series "Grimm".  I hurriedly threw together a short, but blunt and honest resume with a recent picture and fired it off before I could doubt or talk myself out of it.  A couple of hours later?  A phone call from the casting company asking if I could show up for work Tuesday.

Sometimes I think Lady Luck or God or "The Universe" opens up some flood gates once we jump over hurdles that if not jumped cause us to stumble or turn back.  More and more I'm questioning whether or not we have the power to shape our own outcomes.  And what I'm finding is, there is definitely power in taking plunges and letting go of the "what if"s.  And there's power in letting go of those who do the rejecting.  Not being allowed to go down one path opens up a new road, often times a better road and the one that feels most "right".  If I had landed a job before my phone rang asking if I could make it, I wouldn't have been available to do what I know I will love most.

One foot in front of the other.  Accept what is, let go of what can't be... what can't be controlled.  And embrace the new that washes in.  

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