Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Squelching Fire With a Li'l Hot Chocolate

At Starbucks this morning I was waiting in line when I heard the conversation start up between the Barista and a little boy who was waiting for his morning's hot chocolate.  It went something like this:

Little boy standing on tippy toes, chin resting on counter ledge, "My mom brought me in for a hot chocolate."
Barista:  "That's so nice."
Little boy:  "She brought me once because I was being good."
Barista:  "Were you being good again today?"
Little boy:  "No.  I heard fire trucks last night."
Barista:  "Oh really?  What were you thinking?"
Little boy's mom:  "We've been through two fires....  (quietly) two deaths.  He gets freaked out when he hears the sirens."
Barista:  "So your mom brought you here so you can have hot chocolate and relax, huh?"
Little boy:  "Yeah.  So she (mom) can relax, too."

I left feeling like sometimes you just get to be in the right place at the right time... hearing the right stories that speak to you.  I love what was given to me this morning.  We all go through terrible things.  Throughout our childhoods, our younger years, our older years.  Traumas.  Hardships.  Heart breaks.  It's how we choose to calm down those fires that leave ashes in us that matters.  And today I find myself smiling and thinking, maybe sometimes all it takes to put out the fires that give us nightmares is a cup of hot chocolate.

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