Sunday, November 6, 2011

Big Girl Lost, Little Girl Found

Hush, Mama, it breaks my heart to hear
That this is hard for you.
Your tears,
Tumble from your eyes
When you describe
How it feels….
Brain turning to mush….
I can’t bear the thought
Of your thoughts being lost
The cost…
Is too great.
You’ve been GREAT.
How do I find the way
To carry this
Or let it go?
I let my tears fall, too,
I guess.
Joined with yours
Until they dry up finally
And turn into laughter.
Giggles and wiggles
Like little children…
From everything
Bursting at the seams
Neither of us screams,
Yet it’s there.
The shrillness of the invisible sound
Of not knowing how to be…
With this.
Quiet, Mom. Let’s look away
Or stay
Within ourselves looking out
At what it’s all about.
Not able to be
Of the fear
Underneath dread
Inside your head.
And you tell me
Just let it be
What it is.
Until there isn’t any more.
What are we here for?
Shhhh… Mother.
Dry your eyes and I’ll dry mine.
You and I
Thanking Life for one more day.
One more smile.
One more tear.

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