Monday, May 27, 2013

A Gypsy's Creed

Again today I will rise.

I’ll get up and brush off all the remnants of yesterday, leave it behind in the dust of the day gone forever.

Today I lift myself up again, to a new place and into a new direction.

The path of the gypsy, ever changing, always flowing, learning slowly and sometimes quickly how to let go and unchain from what tries pulling you back, tries dampening your spirit and inner light, the things from the outside that work toward taking away what’s deep on the inside. But that part of me remains. It will never be diminished or destroyed or taken away.

I know me. I know my light. I know my strength. I know who I’ve been called to be.

I know when I rise, all around me does the same, even though sometimes the pain of acceleration can shake up and break up, make me stumble, make me wallow for awhile in self-doubt and self-pity and self-centeredness that makes me temporarily lose sight of the bigger picture.

Today I rise again. And again if I have to. Constantly remembering we’re all being challenged to do more, be more, evolve more.

So it is in rising that I embrace those things that have come, that will come that trip me up. I appreciate the gifts hidden inside the experiences and I will rely on powers that flow through me, that surround me, that are present even as far as galaxies away; the powers that can, do and will turn everything… EVERY LITTLE THING… into something better for everyone, not just for me. It isn’t my power to own, yet it is. It isn’t my power to direct. Yet it is. All I have to do is remember. All I have to do is reach out and grab onto, hold loosely and trust.

Today I will rise, whether or not I feel myself moving. I call my old self out from beneath any shadows and invite my real self to enter into the path of light. That simple.

Today I rise again and dance myself, paint myself, write myself, sing myself into my higher purpose, which is your higher purpose, too.

Today… you rise again too.

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