Thursday, June 29, 2017

When There Are No Words, Sing

I am pretty sure my mom instilled in me an "escapism": sing when words fail.

Too often in my lifetime there have been those who stop speaking to me. They might have their valid reasons, I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with when conflicts arise... Silence is excruciating to me because of this fact. I can't really wrap my brain around cutting off communications and holding onto grudges or unintentional pain.

And then the dreaded conversation where my mom had no choice. She could only mumble, not able to talk though I could tell she wanted to. Overwhelming sorrow whispered in my ear "sing". "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine". And all of a sudden, a lost mind reconnected to its soul and her voice and words joined mine until the song was finished. If I could have crawled through the phone air waves to hold her again, I would have. A song sung with me maybe for the last time.. into the silence.

I like to think words spoken and music played and sung are all eternal energies that keep flowing through the sky, out into the universes and back again, gently blowing against us in the breezes that blow.

I love you mom. Thank you for the gift of song.
--your forgotten daughter

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