Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pixie Dust and Fairy Wings

My mom has never discouraged me from letting my imagination soar. Something for which I am so grateful.
 I was thinking this morning that I used to really truly believe in fairies, leprechauns, magic, little people, invisible people…. angels. I would take walks through the trees, searching for their hiding places, would feel someone with me even when I was all alone. I used to think they left gifts for me because I would sing them my made up songs or the songs I loved. (Yes, son. Your mother has always been a tree hugging hippy at heart.) I would have a butterfly land on my shoulder. I’d find a certain type of shiny stone or a flower that had been dropped by a bird, or see a squirrel staring at me, eye to eye and thank the fairies.
It’s funny, the more we age the more we sometimes return to those things that made us up as a kid. It dawned on me this morning that sometimes I think I was trained in the way of the pixies. Sprinkle a little part of your soul (dust) on others. Leave some little thing behind, even if it’s a silent and whispered prayer. Try to make the world a slightly better place just because you flew through.
We all go through such traumatic events; physical ailments, pain, heart break, disappointment in life, no job, not enough money, homelessness, emptiness. And then a door seems to magically open and all of the sudden your life has been added to, expanded …. through someone’s grace, someone’s smile, someone’s touch. I’ve been the recipient. I’ve been the giver. Both impact life in a way that I think ripples so far beyond what we can see.
I’m challenging myself with new resolve to believe again. In the magic that softly falls and dances and coats a lonely world.
I like to think that while hurricanes tear apart and destroy, while the earth quakes and quivers with its need to keep changing and forming and re-shaping itself, that there will be those who continue to sprinkle light particles into the dark, who shine a little path through the darkest places in order to bring about transformation unlike we as humans have ever known.

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