Saturday, July 14, 2012

Harmony and Balance

I took a walk this morning and noticed how all the plants, bushes and trees are suffering because of the heat and lack of rain. I remembered that even though the grass and flowers die and turn brown, their roots go deep into the soil and eventually, when the rains come again, they will return as beautiful as ever - if not more magnificent.
Recently I learned there are scientists who think they have made the discovery with the necessary proof that there is a perfect dimension that co-exists within our world. That we are the two dimensional image, living in an “unreal” place. We’re a reflection of something better, something more, something without the flaws that we make for ourselves.
As a body worker who constantly observes and notices and sees imbalances in human forms, I immediately start making all kinds of connections. When a person’s physical body is in perfect alignment, they are able to be fluid, to go through life and daily events with good health and a stronger ability to do what their passions and longings guide them to do. When we send out roots deeply into the spirit of creation that surrounds and resides in us, which supports our feet, no matter what adversity or hardship comes along, we find a way back to proper alignment, we eventually receive the water we need to nourish and correct our “posture”. I had an “Aha” moment this morning. I believe some people are incredibly successful and happy because they live their lives in perfect alignment with that perfect dimension. And the rest of us who struggle and feel tormented do so because we’re still trying to find the way, the path that brings about “lokahi”, alignment. We feel it calling us, we get glimpses, but for us it’s more difficult to keep our structure straight and tall – maybe because life or past lives have worn away at us and whittled away bits and pieces that are difficult to replace or regrow.
I’m thanking my mother this morning. For planting seeds in me that have carried me this far in life. For giving me roots that go so far sometimes it feels they reach the very center of the earth and the furthest corners of the universes. She placed inside of my heart the place in which I can always return, even when she isn’t present. Belief? Love? Passion? God? It can’t really be defined in words.
I’m finally learning how to listen to the voice inside of me. The one that tells me to stand with my shoulders back, my heart, eyes and ears open. The voice that says “get help from someone who knows” whenever I feel a shift happening that is taking me away from where I need to be.
Some moments, like this morning, I feel I’m swimming inside of “enlightenment”, inside that parallel dimension of the perfect us.
So grateful.
Thank you, mom.